A Child’s Prayer Saves a Father’s Life

*Representative image

Chitra was not allowed to attend the Evening School. Her parents were Hindu, and since Adventist Christians ran the school, they were concerned that their children would want to become Christians.

Chitra’s friends were allowed to attend the Evening School, and they loved it, so Chitra decided she must go too. One day, she and her siblings decided to sneak off with their friends and go to the Evening School.

That evening, the teacher told them a story about Jesus, who loves and cares for everyone. She told the children they could pray and ask Jesus anything, and He would answer.

When Chitra went home, she told her father about her experience at the Evening School and how much she loved the beautiful story about Jesus. Her father was furious. 

Late one night, Chitra’s father started to experience severe chest pain. Chitra offered to call Brother Devadass, the Evening School principal, to pray for him. She told him that Jesus would answer the prayers and heal his pain, but he refused her request.

If her father would not listen to her request, Chitra decided, she would pray. She dropped to her knees beside her father.

“Jesus, please heal my father,” she pleaded, with tears in her eyes.

After Chitra’s prayer, her father’s pain started to go away. Her father was astonished to see his daughter praying for him and more astonished to see her prayer being answered.

Chitra’s father told her to go to the Evening School the next day and bring Brother Devadass to pray for him and the family.

When Brother Devadass came, Chitra’s father told him that if his daughter had not gone to the Evening School and prayed to Jesus on his behalf, he would not be alive. The father was very thankful and told Brother Devadass that he was allowing all his children to attend the Evening School to learn more about Jesus.

Chitra barely knew Jesus, but she took him at His word, and He did an amazing miracle. In the Scriptures, Jesus told two people they had great faith: the centurion and the Syrophonecian woman. Neither of them knew Jesus well, either. But they believed what little they had heard and trusted in Him. Let us all pray that we can have that childlike faith.

Please pray for Chitra’s family, and the other families represented through our Evening Schools. May they all come to know Jesus and accept Him with open hearts.

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