Meet our New Team Members!  The Shurley Family

Christopher, Julie, Harry, Cameron, and Michael Shurley

We are so excited to have the Shurley family join our team!  Not one, not two, but four of their family members are working with JFA in some capacity. We hope you are blessed by the evidences of God’s faithfulness in their journey to Tennessee!

Written by Julie Shurley

“Lord, where do You want our family to minister for you?” We were praying about a possible move from Oklahoma Academy, where we had served for the past nine years. Harry was teaching English and science, and I was the media/communications vocational instructor and speech teacher.

Our family dynamics were shifting. Our older boys had graduated high school several years earlier: Michael, 23, was close to finishing an online communications degree, and Cameron, 20, was building his own media ministry, "Rebrand Prophecy". Meanwhile, our youngest, Christopher, was in 6th grade and often left to his own devices since we were working full-time.

We felt it was time to seek a new situation—one that better met Christopher’s needs while allowing us to continue serving in ministry. However, with such varied ages, interests, and goals under one roof, it seemed almost impossible to find a place to meet our family’s needs.

We felt the Holy Spirit leading us to Chattanooga, TN, and decided to visit during Spring Break to explore potential opportunities. Our goals were to find a church family, a place to live, and meaningful work.

With the first objective in mind, we visited the South Bay SDA church. It was by far the most welcoming church we’d ever experienced. Christopher instantly felt at home in a junior class filled with boys and led by an enthusiastic teacher who also runs the Pathfinder program. During the fellowship meal, we met many kind people, including Natalie Wood—though we had no idea of her connection to Jesus for Asia at the time.

On Monday, we visited various ministries to see where our skills might be needed. One of those visits was to the newly established Jesus for Asia headquarters. The team had just moved into their beautiful new building and had been praying for God to send workers to join them. Natalie, recognizing us from church, gave us a tour and shared the incredible story of how God made this beautiful facility a reality.

As we walked back to our car, we all said the same thing: “This is the place for us!”

After submitting our applications and completing a couple of interviews with the JFA team, we were invited to join. As we shared our skills and interests, God impressed Jon Wood to offer part-time work to Michael and Cameron as well.

Finding a place to live, however, took a bit longer. Since purchasing property wasn’t an option, we focused on rentals. Harry came out in June and searched for a week. Just a day before he had to leave, he found a promising house listing. The home had only been on the market for six days but had already gotten around 40 views.

The house was everything we needed—spacious enough for our family, located in a nice neighborhood, within our budget, and incredibly, right on the Chickamauga Greenway. This scenic walking and biking trail runs along the river for six miles through beautiful wooded countryside. Even better, it was just three miles from South Bay Church!

Harry urged me to apply immediately if we wanted a chance. It was Friday, and I had to gather several documents and letters from busy people—all on short notice. I prayed, “Lord, if this is the house You want us to have, please hold it for us. Help me get everything submitted today if it’s Your will. I’m going to do my best, but I’m not going to stress.” Amazingly, by 5:30 PM, everything was turned in!

The following week, someone from the rental agency told us we were “lucky” to get our application in when we did—four more were submitted right after ours! I believe God held the others back so we could secure the home.

I want to highlight how perfectly God worked everything out for our needs and desires, showing how well He knows us and wants us to be happy and fulfilled. When we place our desires in His hands, He can orchestrate everything beautifully.

Harry, with his BSN, could earn a good living as a nurse, but his true passion is having a direct impact on the Lord’s work. His management and networking skills are a perfect fit for his role as Project Manager for the various Jesus for Asia schools. He recently returned from a three-week trip visiting five schools in India, Bangladesh, and Cambodia. His outgoing personality helped him connect easily with administrators and students, and he’s eager to facilitate the schools as they educate children for God’s service.

My priority was finding a place that worked well for Christopher and allowed me time to homeschool him. That meant I needed part-time work, and Jesus for Asia provided the perfect role. I’m doing what I love—online marketing and writing—with enough variety to keep me engaged. Managing social media satisfies my creative side, and the flexibility fits our family’s needs perfectly.

Michael was asked by Jon Wood to do video editing until he graduates and then work as a foreign correspondent in Asia—a dream he’s had for years but didn’t know how to pursue on his own. He’ll initially work with Jonathan Hill in Thailand before taking on independent assignments. He’s thrilled with this prospect and is also enjoying the social opportunities at Southern. He’s involved with GYC Southeast and takes advantage of the nearby track and fitness center.

Cameron needed a part-time schedule to continue his ministry work with Rebrand Prophecy. In the mornings, he edits videos, manages MissionTV programming, and creates social media content for Jesus for Asia. In the afternoons, he heads to the Southern Student Center to work on his ministry and enjoy meaningful conversations with students.

Christopher is thriving with homeschooling. On my work days, he has his own cubicle for schoolwork and enjoys breaks at the Little Debbie Park next door. He loves the Pathfinder club and has made many new friends at church.

We continue to be amazed by how God has provided for all our needs. Each of us feels aligned with the mission of Jesus for Asia to reach the unreached with the Gospel, and we’re grateful to play a part in helping fulfill the Great Commission. 


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