Publishing & Translation
In America, we have been so blessed to have an abundance of Adventist literature and many Bible translations in our language. Today, an estimated six billion people have a translation of the Bible in their language; the other two billion may have the New Testament, portions, or none1. Spirit of Prophecy books, while widely translated, are available in much fewer languages than Bibles are, and even if they’re available, how will people get them?
Jesus for Asia publishing and translation projects seek to make Bibles, Spirit of Prophecy books, and other literature available to those in unreached people groups, and get those Bibles and literature into their hands.
Where Needed Most
Your donation will go to where the need is greatest at the time, as well as enabling Jesus for Asia to continue to provide support for all its projects. By giving to "Where Needed Most," you make sure no project gets left behind.
Audio Bibles
We all know what a blessing the Bible is for those who can read God’s Word. But what about all those who never learned to read or are blind? How can they be built up in the faith? The answer lies in today’s technology. Cheap MP3 players with audio Bible recordings in local languages do more to build up the church in poor places than almost anything!
Bibles and Literature for Asia
Asia is where the least reached peoples of the world are living. Many do not have access to the Gospel. There is no Christian bookstore on the corner, and there are no Bibles in the local stores. This fund allows Bible workers in various countries to give Bibles to baptismal candidates so they can read the Word in their own language.
Invest in Jesus for Asia
When you “Invest in Jesus for Asia,” you support the many projects listed here, and also allow us to move into new strategic projects as the opportunities present themselves. Giving here lets us continue to honor our promise that 100% of funds donated to our missionaries, Bible Workers, or other projects goes directly there. Thank you for your investment!
Light Asia Publishing
The Rogers Family is working, with God’s help, to establish a publishing House for South East Asia. The purpose is to provide Christ-centered literature, Bible study guides, and books in native languages to share through the printed page a knowledge of the love, joy, and peace that God gives.
Sharon Family Projects
Leroy and Lisa Sharon are missionaries to Thailand. Lisa is currently raising two young girls for the Lord. This focus has turned out to be the best witness to the local village, which had never seen a Christian before. Leroy travels to various towns and schools and connects people with the Savior through language teaching using Bible stories.
Thai Media Outreach: Translation and Literature
Thailand is a least-reached country, with very few spiritual resources available to believers. There are very few Ellen White books in Thai. In fact, in 2011, no Thai EGW books were available in the country. Our translation department has been translating Spirit of Prophecy books into Thai, Hmong, and Karen for the upbuilding of the Church and the proclamation of the Gospel.
Unreached People Seed Fund
So many groups of people in Asia have not even heard the name of Jesus. Gifts to this fund will allow Jesus for Asia to start new projects in areas where there are no believers.
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Missions for Asia
Discover the many mission projects that are going on in various parts of Asia right now and find out where you can help.
Donate to Jesus for Asia to reach the ministries that are in the greatest need