Faith Comes by Hearing...

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17
*representative image

Editor's note: The following story from Bible Worker Vicky was shared with us by Pastor Chris Donavan, Director of our Bible Worker Program. He is currently doing training for our Bible Workers in India. You can read about how God led him and his wife to work with JFA in the story below.

One day, a Nepali woman named Durga came to our church. (She was named after the Hindu goddess of protection, strength, motherhood, destruction, and wars.)

One of our church members had invited Durga, her husband, and her son to the church where I serve. When she came, I asked her, "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?"

"No," she said, " I believe in many Hindu gods."

I said ok, and preached the Gospel to her. I gave an altar call for prayer, and Durga came forward. I started praying for her, and she started crying; she cried for ten minutes.

I realized that God's Word had touched her. After two weeks, I started to see changes in this woman. I asked her how things are now, and she told me, "Pastor, I repented from my sin, and now I believe in Jesus."

I never forced Durga to accept Jesus but just shared the Gospel with her, and God's word touched her, and she was saved. She is continuing to come to prayer and worship. Praise God for this testimony.

We are so excited to see how God is using Bible Workers like Vicky to share the everlasting Gospel with those who have not heard. Please continue for God to guide their ministries and make them fruitful. 

Please prayerfully consider supporting the ongoing ministries of our Bible Workers in India. You can fully support a Bible Worker's stipend for $100 a month; gifts of any size are welcome. If God is leading you to give to this project, please click the button below.  


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