Mission Stories
Read the latest news and updates from Jesus for Asia projects, as well as miracle stories and testimonies from across Asia!
From Heartbreak to Joy:
Tears welled up in third-grader Devistri’s eyes as she saw the happy family walk past her on the street. “I want my mother; I want my father; I miss them!” she cried. Devistri and her older brother Kavan lived in a small Indian village with their grandmother. A few months before, their alcoholic father, Suresh, got into a severe accident and was hospitalized for several months. During this time, their mother became involved with another man and left the children without warning. The two children were heartbroken.
Can We Stay at Your House?
Nyapi is serving as a Bible Worker in a small town in northeast India. This area, in the foothills of the Himalayas, is predominately animist.One day, he received a call from a man named Bommar, who lived in his home village.
Are You Serious?
Matthew and Rachel Leffler, along with their three young children, moved from Montana to Thailand in January. God inspired them to go into the mission field last summer. After language study, they plan to move to…
Mariamma Meets the Miracle-Working God
Mariamma, a small gray-haired woman, stood at the edge of a busy street with her four-year-old granddaughter on her hip. As she looked left and right for an opening…
Fuel for Revival: FaithCamp Winter Blessings
Our team spent dozens of hours in meetings to plan for our winter FaithCamps this year. A lot of the time, we felt like we were getting nowhere. We would meet…
Serving Through Sorrow
For many years, Sister Jeeva, a JFA Bible Worker, worked side by side with her husband in service of the Lord. God had given her a beautiful voice, and people could not help but listen to her singing. Through her singing…
Faith Through the Fear
Shelby is a student missionary completing her mission training program's service requirements at the Nortons' Children's home in Thailand. She has been in Thailand for over a month and has written several blog posts…
Robbie’s Accident – God’s Faithfulness
On Sunday, February 5, we received an urgent prayer request to pray for Robbie Norton, who was in a motorbike accident and had been taken to the hospital. Over the past…
A January to Remember
In the mission field, anything can happen. This past month proved that to the Howells, who faced several challenging situations even before the police came. Throughout each situation, God proved, as He promised…
A Far-Off Dream Becomes Reality
Builders have now finished six of the new classrooms for the Manipur School, located in Manipur, India! What do the students at the Manipur School think about their new classroom building so far? The tenth-grade…
The Dead Know Nothing
Indradevi woke in the middle of the night to noises. What exactly they were, she didn’t know, but they were coming from inside the house. In her son’s room, to be exact. Chills ran down her spine.
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
Two young Indian children stood and watched as their classmates and teachers knelt to worship the school’s representative Hindu idol. Their hearts beat quickly, and their legs shook as they prepared for the inevitable.
Building Complete! Getting Ready to Print Gospel Literature in Cambodia
The building for our publishing house in Cambodia is now complete! It is a fully enclosed 60ft by 40ft space that holds…
Announcing 2023 Winter FaithCamps
Join us for FaithCamp in 2023! FaithCamp is a camp meeting for everyone focused on faith and the Great Commission. At FaithCamp, you'll have the opportunity to meet…
Manipur School Celebrates 50 years
This year, the Manipur School, located in Northeast India, celebrated its Golden Jubilee – 50 years of God’s provision, guidance, and leadership.
Freedom from that Old Serpent
Viswanathan had recently called the India TV Ministry, where Mrs. Kamala serves as a prayer warrior. He and his family were overwhelmed with the problems in their life. His wife, Nagavalli, was six months pregnant…