Mission Stories
Read the latest news and updates from Jesus for Asia projects, as well as miracle stories and testimonies from across Asia!
An Unexpected Helper
One day, we were holding a work bee to help renovate the church I am serving in when suddenly, I saw Nonoy. He didn’t just pass by, but he came to the area where we were working as if he was going to help.
The Verse That Changed Manik's Life
Madurai is a JFA Bible Worker in Bangladesh. Every day he conducts a Bible class for the women and children in the village where he serves. Around 25 people, both Adventist…
Anywhere With Jesus
Late one afternoon, we visited a village far away from our house. When we arrived, we found many people at home. We talked with the villagers, shared many things about Jesus, and taught simple health lessons.
Saving a New Life
Since Jacklin first heard about Jesus as a child, she wanted to go to church. Her Hindu family told her not to go, but she went anyway. Jacklin continued to go to church every Sunday until she became an adult.
JFA Headquarters: New Office/Studio/Meeting Room
God is on the move, and He is calling Jesus for Asia to increase its mission reach, both in the number of projects as well as in new territories. To follow that call, we need to…
Streams of Light Piercing the Dark in Thailand
Eighty-eight percent of people in Thailand have not had the opportunity even to hear the Gospel (Joshua Project Website). Our Love for Asia media team has been adding new team members and collaborating with others to create new videos, translate literature, and more! Check out the projects the team has been working on and how God has been working in their ministry.
Peace in a Time of Crisis
Night after night, Mr. Kumar lay in his bed, staring into the darkness. He had no peace in his home or his heart, and he couldn’t sleep. He spent every day exhausted, which surely did not help alleviate his problems. One day, as he was traveling to do ministry in his assigned village, Brother Janslin, a JFA Bible Worker, met Mr. Kumar, who shared his problems with him.
Healing in a Time of Crisis
Have you heard of "Lumpy Skin Disease?" We hadn't either. But according to the news website The National, “Nearly 100,000 cows and buffaloes have died after more than two million cattle were infected by [the lumpy skin disease virus] in India in one of the deadliest outbreaks in the country." One of our Bible Workers in western India, where the outbreaks have occurred, was recently able to reach out to a man named Vitthal, whose cows had been affected by lumpy skin disease.
Hope in a Time of Crisis
Neeraj* had lost all hope. He had recently run for a position in a local election and spent a large sum of borrowed money on his campaign. When he lost the election, he found himself unable to pay back his debts. Each day he became more distressed. How would he ever recover from this loss? He began to suffer from suicidal thoughts, and at one point, he tried to end his own life and failed.
Prayer Changes Pamir
Sadar* is working as a Bible Worker in Bangladesh, taking care of a small congregation. Sadar noticed that one family, who had accepted Jesus and joined his church, had stopped coming regularly. So, he decided to visit them and encourage them to come again. One family member named Pamir*, Sadar learned, had not accepted Jesus and did not like his relatives going to church. The family wanted to come and worship Jesus with fellow believers, but he prevented them from going.
Manipur School Students Start Classes in New Classrooms!
After watching the construction of their new classroom building–and helping build it by carrying sand, hammering rocks, etc.–for more than a year, the Manipur School students are excited to study in the first two classrooms! The children's Sabbath school class was the first to use the new classrooms, and now the tenth-grade students are using them for their studies.
A Soft Answer
How do we react when someone is unkind to us, when they yell in our faces and spew hatred at us? Do we respond with kindness? Or do we retaliate? Our human nature demands we fight back, but that is not God’s way. He knows that while we may feel better in the moment, we often make things worse in the long run. Still, responding to our enemies God’s way isn’t easy, and many professed Christians fail to do so when a crisis hits.
The Prayer of Faith
My name is Vasudev, and I come from a Hindu family. I am married with two children, a son and a daughter. When my daughter, Asmita, was born, we were so happy. Our home was peaceful; our crops were growing well. We felt that Lakhsmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and beauty, had been born into our house, incarnated in our baby girl.