TV Ministry Equipment Arrives Safely in India

An Update from Our India TV Ministry

We were finally able to purchase new production equipment for our TV ministry in India! India TV Ministry creates Christ-centered programming that airs daily on a major Tamil-language network and another regional network. God has used this ministry to bring many people to Jesus, including some in the depths of despair.

By God’s grace, and through the gifts of kind donors, we built the ministry a studio that was completed in February 2020. We wanted to upgrade their equipment then, but COVID-19 lockdowns started before we had the opportunity.

We were able to bring a few cameras to India earlier this year, and we decided to purchase the rest when our Director in India, Israel Prasad (who is also in charge of the TV ministry), was visiting the U.S. We had found that the items we needed for the studio were less expensive and easier to find in the U.S. than in India.

Now here comes the tricky part. The only way to get all the equipment to India was to put it in checked baggage. We carefully wrapped up the iMac, the switcher, and other breakable items, and we prayed for God to protect them on their journey.

We packed everything up and discovered the suitcases were way too heavy. We had to move some items and leave some gifts behind to be taken to India later. When Israel got to the airport, one suitcase was still overweight, and he had to switch things around again to meet the weight limit for both suitcases.

While Israel traveled, we were praying for God to protect the equipment and keep it from getting lost (which, if you read the news, has been a little more likely than usual). We were so thankful to God when Israel made it home and found all the equipment undamaged.

We know God will use these tools to help bring people to Jesus through the programs our India TV Ministry creates. Thank you to all of you who have prayed for and/or supported this ministry.

If you would like to read some of the powerful testimonies from this ministry, we have included links to a few of them below.

No Matter the Circumstances

A Message Just for Her

Combining Forces: TV Ministry and Bible Workers Work Together to Bring Family to Christ

A Life is Saved Through JFA Television Ministry

If God is leading you to support the ongoing work of the India TV Ministry, please click the button below.

Support India TV Ministry


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