Answered Prayers in Thailand
God recently answered their prayers for the approval of the branch office in an amazing way! The process was supposed to take six months; sometimes, it's taken as long as three years. But this time, they received the approval notice in only three months!
Progress on the painting. Those walls are all done now.
The Hills and Lefflers have been working on some updates to their rented space, and plans are well underway for an English tutoring center that will open up opportunities to connect with locals and witness to them.
Jonathan and Hannah Hill shared: "It's such a blessing to get to be a part of what God is doing in Nakhon Sawan. We often feel far from equal to the task, but it's worth the discomfort to get to experience the joy and peace of working with God to lead others to find that same joy and peace."
Please continue to pray for the Hills, the Lefflers, this project, and the people of Nakhon Sawan!
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