Bibles & Literature
MINISTRY: Bibles and Literature
LOCATION: Various Countries
MISSIONARIES INVOLVED: Various Missionaries & Bible Workers
Asia is home to the world’s least-reached people. Many of these people have no access to the Gospel. In their country, they likely have no Christian bookstore on the corner and no Bible in the nightstand of their hotel room. How will they hear without someone to tell them? Without someone to share God’s Word with them?
Very few Bible Workers (and even pastors) in India and other countries have Spirit of Prophecy books to read for themselves and share with their church members. So, even believers are missing out on a lot of spiritual blessings.
We set up this fund to get Bibles and other literature into the hands of people in Asia so they may have the opportunity to experience the transforming power of the Word in their own lives.
Gifts to this fund may be used to fulfill requests from Bible Workers, missionaries, and church leaders to provide Bibles and literature in the local languages of the people they serve.
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