Water Well Drilling
MINISTRY: Water Well Drilling
LOCATION: India and Bangladesh
TYPE OF MINISTRY: Clean Water Supply
Give the Water of Life by providing physical water to needy villages in Asia!
As Water to the Thirsty
Many villages in countries such as India suffer from an extreme lack of water. These villages are far from any natural sources of fresh water, or if they are, the water is not fit to drink, so villagers must rely on the government for water.
Government water is not always available. We have seen situations where water was only available once a week. If the villagers were lucky enough to receive their entire allowance, they got only 24 gallons for the whole family to last the full week. All laundry, bathing, drinking, and cooking had to be done with that amount of water. In America, that would equate to about eight toilet flushes!
The concept behind this project is simple: dig wells to provide fresh water for the whole village. If possible, we like to dig wells at local Seventh-day Adventist Churches. This shows Christ’s care for the villagers and provides witnessing opportunities.
In one village facing a water shortage, villagers had tried digging several wells. One of those attempts was at a Hindu temple, but the workers never found water. When we planned to dig a well at the Adventist church across the street, the villagers mocked the believers there. How could there be water at the church when there was none by their temple?
Our team and the church members moved forward in faith, praying for God to be glorified in the village. The well-digging attempt was successful, and now the church has a large cistern that holds enough well water for everyone.
The well, in combination with the evening school at the church, helped to change the villagers’ perception of the church. Now, they are much more open to learning about Christ.
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