Mission Stories
Read the latest news and updates from Jesus for Asia projects, as well as miracle stories and testimonies from across Asia!
4-Wheel Drive Vehicle Needed in Tawi Tawi, Philippines
The dusty dirt road turned into soft, sticky mud as rain poured over the mountains of an island in the southern Philippines. Usually, when Pastor Ranny Devera and the JFA Bible Workers who serve in that area travel...
Glimpses of Jesus: Filming Begins March 21!
Filming begins Sunday, March 21, for our newest project! Glimpses of Jesus will be a 13-episode TV series taking a deeper look at the character of Christ through immersive story telling. In order for Christ to transform us into His character, we need to have a clear...
Changes of Perspective
Priya is a young college graduate who is living with her family. But she and her family have faced a problem. Priya’s father is an alcoholic, and he spends all of his earnings on drinking. As a result, the family is very...
Virtual Prayer Walk Initiative
Jonathan and Hannah Hill share their experience from last Friday’s prayer call, as well as a fellow missionary’s testimony of the power of prayer! Over 50 people joined us in (virtually) walking the streets of Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, last Friday night to...
Prayer Requests and Praises for Mumbai Church Rebuild: COVID Roadblocks
Whenever God is trying to do something, roadblocks always seem to pop up. Thankfully, God is bigger than any obstacle the enemy tries to throw. God has given us ample evidence that He wants us to move forward in rebuilding the condemned Chembur Church in Mumbai,...
Preparing for More At-Risk Children: Construction begins in Sukhothai!
God has given the Norton Family a dream to open a children’s home and school in Thailand, and bit by bit, He is pulling the pieces together to make that dream happen. A couple months ago, we shared how God opened the doors for the Nortons to start the purchase process...
Discovering the Great Hope – A Bible Worker Story
Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must...
A Kind Welcome
An Evening School Student Dhiya,* a fifth-grade girl from a poor village, dreamed of a better life. In order to get that life, she needed to do well in school. She studied hard, and even begged her parents to allow her to take lessons at the tutoring center near her...
Peace in the Midst of Peril
Sayuri* finished washing the breakfast dishes and gathered her belongings to start her job as a Bible Worker. As she headed out the door, her husband told her goodbye, adding “Even if you die for Jesus, we will take care of the kids. Don’t stop God’s work.” Nithila*,...
Back to Cambodia! Howell Family Matching Grant Completed, Tickets Purchased
By God’s grace we have been able to reach the matching goal to get the Howell Family back to Cambodia! Thank you to each of you who have been praying for the Howells and who have given toward their return! The Howells have been encouraged by your prayers and...
Two Sides of the Same Miracle
The team was working late finishing a project when the phone rang. It was after hours, but I answered the phone anyway. George*, one of our donors, was calling. Earlier in the week George had given a significant donation to the Chembur...
Pray with Us to Rebuild a Condemned Church in Mumbai
This church, a two story structure, has been declared unsafe for human occupancy or use. It is unlawful for people to meet in this building. In 2012, Mumbai city officials condemned the Chembur Seventh-day Adventist Church citing a lack of structural integrity. Over...
Blankets for Bangladesh
Winter in Bangladesh, although not as cold as most of North America, can be a trying time for the poor, whose thin clothing and thinly walled houses offer little protection against chilly nights. Through the kind gifts of several donors, our Bible Workers in...
A Life-Saving Conviction
You need to clean your house this morning. Mary (not pictured) woke up around 5am, like she did every day, to have devotion and prayer time before watching the JFA TV Ministry program that aired on a local station. That morning the topic was on the importance of...
New Missionary Launched
A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9 In the fall of last year, Hailey Chalfant was preparing to leave for Thailand to serve as a medical missionary. Hailey has had a burden on her heart for Thailand for many years, and she was...
Pray for the Heavenly City
At the place where two great rivers join to form the river of kings (Chao Phraya River) lies Thailand’s heavenly city: Nakhon Sawan. Despite the name, few of Nakhon Sawan’s 90,000 plus residents have had the opportunity to learn about the God of heaven, who sent His...
Moving Forward In Faith: Bangkok Outpost Property Update
This mountain, which the outpost property borders, has been a long-time climbing spot for ministry outings. Thanks to God and the prayers and support of donors like you, we have almost reached our funding goal for the new outpost property outside Bangkok, Thailand!
A Mother's Appreciation - Testimonies from Our Newest Evening Schools
Just over one year ago, January 2020, we opened ten new evening schools in India. These schools ran only for a few short weeks before Covid-19 swept the globe, and the Indian government imposed a country-wide lockdown…