A Family Restored


“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know" —Jeremiah 33:3

Gauri and Darika lived a very normal life. They went to school, played with their friends, and worshipped the Hindu gods with their father and mother. But one day, their parents began to argue. Soon, they were fighting all the time, and before the girls knew it, they had decided to separate. Gauri and Darika were sad, but their sadness grew when their parents packed their bags and left the house, leaving the girls to live at their grandmother’s home. How terrible they must have felt as they watched their father and mother leave them!

Soon after Gauri and Darika went to live with their grandma, they visited the nearby JFA Evening School. At the school, they received help with their homework, ate a free meal, and learned to worship God through song and prayer. The girls enjoyed the experience, and they began to go to the school regularly.

At worship, Gauri and Darika cheerfully joined in the singing and listened happily to the Bible stories, but when it came time to pray they began to act differently. The girls became sad, and they cried throughout the entire prayer. The teacher noticed this, and she began to worry. She asked the girls why they were crying, and they told her how their parents had left them. They missed their parents so much!

The teacher comforted the girls. She told them not to worry, and to go to God with their troubles and their sadness. Gauri and Darika took her words to heart; they began to pray, and they prayed hard. Every day, the girls spent two hours earnestly asking God to restore their family.

They had both returned home on the same day with the same idea and a willingness to forgive, but they had not spoken to each other since they separated. How was it possible?

Weeks went by, and nothing happened. But the girls did not give up. They continued to pray fervently for God to answer their prayers.

Then one evening, something amazing happened. When the girls came home from school, they found their parents at home. Their father, they discovered, had decided that he did not want to fight anymore; he wanted to forgive his wife and live as a family again. Their mother had the same desire. She too, was willing to forgive her husband and live together as a family.

Gauri and Darika were ecstatic, but their parents were shocked. They had both returned home on the same day with the same idea and a willingness to forgive, but they had not spoken to each other since they separated. How was it possible?

Gauri and Darika were not surprised. They knew Who had brought their parents back. They had been praying to the God of the evening school, they explained, and it was He who had reunited their family.

The Holy Spirit touched their parent’s hearts again. They realized a miracle had happened, and they were moved by the power of this amazing God who cared so much He answered their little girls’ prayers. Shortly after returning home, they decided they wanted to be a part of the church that had taught their kids to worship such a powerful God.

Gauri and Darika want to be true to Jesus, and they desire to be like Him. The girls, along with their father and mother, now know the true God. They have all joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church and are worshipping Him together as a family.

Now, instead of crying, Gauri and Darika pray cheerfully. They are happy girls, always laughing and smiling because they know that their God answers prayers. What a wonderful God we serve!

We thank God for giving children like Gauri and Darika open hearts to hear His voice and courage to worship Him, and we thank Him for these wonderful stories of children touching the lives of their parents. If you would like to support evening schools like the one that Gauri and Darika attend, please click the button below.


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