Selvi’s Silent Prayer


This story was shared with us by our Bible Worker, Mary.

Selvi found her seven-year-old daughter in terrible condition. The girl had been fine just a little while before, and then all of a sudden her hands, legs, and face were terribly swollen.

Selvi was scared. Why was her little darling suddenly so sick? She could not think of any possible cause, and she did not know what to do. She became more and more worried. Then, she remembered the Bible Workers. Many times she had seen two women going around from house to house, distributing literature to her neighbors and praying for them. Could such kind women help her? Not knowing what else to do, she approached the women and explained her situation.

The women were sympathetic. They listened to Selvi’s story, and then they consoled her and prayed with her. They took Selvi and her daughter to the hospital, where they learned that the girl needed an immediate injection. But the injection cost 3,000 rupees, and Selvi could not afford that.

The Bible Workers comforted Selvi in her distress. They read her verses from the Bible, and encouraged her to pray silently to God for help to get the money.

God is so great! He answered Selvi’s silent prayers. She was able to get the injection free of charge, and after a one week of fervent prayer and medication, her little girl was discharged from the hospital. What a miracle!

Selvi thanks God for His grace and the love He has showered upon her little family. She thanks Him for sending the sisters to help her know the truth of the Bible through this experience.


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