Sowing in Thailand
MINISTRY: Sowing in Thailand
LOCATION: Mae Lah Klo, Thailand
TYPE OF MINISTRY: Education, gardening, etc.
Jim and Irene Hill are working at Mae Lah Klo School, a grade school on the western border of Thailand with around 150 students. Jim was asked by the Thailand Adventist Mission to grow food for the cafeteria and develop a work program for the students. Over their time there, he has had opportunities to also help in other areas, such as putting in another well, improving the school building to protect the students from the heat, upgrading the boys’ restrooms and dorm, and installing a water purifying system. Irene Hill has been Jim’s big support and has helped where she can, such as teaching a children’s Sabbath School class and holding a fun cookout with 8-10 girls weekly in their home. (To learn more about what God is doing through Jim and Irene Hill in this project, watch The Golden Years.)
Money donated will be used to maintain the gardens, improve the school facilities, for special projects, or to help meet student needs such as tuition, medicines, blankets, etc.
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