Mission Project - Shurley

MINISTRY: Mission Project - Michael Shurley

LOCATION: Multiple countries

TYPE OF MINISTRY: Connecting the mission field to the outside world



Spring of 2019 I was in Cuba, sweeping the floor. I was there with a group of young people to give evangelistic series in cities where Adventist churches were being planted. While I had already seen God work mightily by giving me a momentary break from sickness right when I needed to speak, and in getting us to Cuba in the first place, this moment of sweeping struck me. 

Growing up I loved mission stories. There were so many exciting tales of miracles, the triumph of the gospel over opposition, and encounters with wild beasts. These stories gave me a great thrill, but over time I began to feel that I was not missionary material. It seemed as though you had to be some kind of superhuman to be a missionary.

Back home in the States, I would have seen sweeping as a simple mundane task, definitely not worth looking forward to. But there in Cuba, right where God wanted me to be, I felt such peace and joy even in the simple mundanities of life. This is what I had missed in all those thrilling mission stories — the simple peace of doing God’s will.

Coming home from that trip I had a deep desire to show others what I had found: that mission work is for every Christian, and it is the most beautiful calling anyone could wish for.

Since that time God has led me into a work that is allowing me to share the beauty of missions with His Church. I am working with Jonathan and Hannah Hill as one of Jesus for Asia’s foreign correspondents to tell the stories of the mission field and issue the call to labor in Christ’s harvest.

Gifts to this fund help to cover travel expenses and equipment as Michael works to bring to light the needs of His children in Asia.

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