Mission Project - LaFlair Family
The LaFlairs will be moving to Cambodia this spring to join Tim and Wendy Maddocks. They will help with construction, agriculture, teaching music, and other classes. Their desire is to be used by God to finish the work of spreading the everlasting Gospel and pointing people to Christ.
Our family has had a desire to do mission work for years. However, in our minds, for us, mission work consisted of short-term projects lasting one week to a month. This journey to Cambodia began when Daniel asked Tim Maddocks at a Jesus For Asia event if he had a one or two-week project the LaFlair family could do in November 2024. Totally caught by surprise, and after hearing some of our skills and abilities, Tim shared that our family "may be an answer to prayer" and invited us to move to Cambodia and work with him. Not fully knowing how to react, Daniel said he'd speak with the rest of the family.
The first discussion with our whole family was a somber one with many reservations. Daniel's silent prayer was; “God, if you want us to go, you'll have to give all six of us peace” with the decision to go. After taking a day to fast and pray seeking God’s will, we all were convinced God was leading in this invitation from Tim, not only that, but all six of us felt at peace with it. That's saying a lot because that night was not a peaceful one for some. One of our children commented, “If we don't go and do it, who will?” They recognized that we had the skills and Tim had the need. While we could do what we'll be doing in Cambodia, here in the US, there is a greater need there.
Trudi spent several of her mostly teen years in Africa, and had previously suggested we move to the mission field. Daniel didn’t feel a conviction in that area; he felt led to stay in the US and start an outpost center teaching agriculture, true education, and country living. Trudi said she told the Lord, that if He wanted us in foreign missions, He would need to convict Daniel. He sure did.
Daniel has been on multiple short-term mission trips, and our oldest son has been on one, but it is becoming more and more evident that God has been preparing us for this journey to Cambodia for many years.
This spring, Lord willing, our family will be moving to Cambodia joining Tim and Wendy Maddocks, and helping in any capacity we can (which will likely include construction, agriculture, teaching music and other classes). It's our desire to be used by God to finish the work of spreading the everlasting Gospel, pointing people to Christ. What does that look like? Right now, we can't say, but no matter what, we will go as the Lord leads and as He provides opportunities. "Get us there, Lord, and we'll do the work," has been our prayer. We're trusting Him for everything else. We’re excited to see Him lead.
At the moment, our family is offloading most of our possessions, attempting to fundraise, and fixing and updating our house, getting it ready to sell.
Any donations for our family's project will go towards supporting us as we live and work with Tim, Wendy and the Cambodian people. We are ever grateful for your partnership with us in prayer. If the Lord places it on your heart to make a donation, we’d be appreciative.
Please follow our blog to see how the Lord has been preparing us for such a time as this. (Coming soon)
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