Manipur Medical Relief
MINISTRY: Manipur Medical Relief
LOCATION: Manipur, Northeast India
TYPE OF MINISTRY: Medical Missions
MISSIONARIES INVOLVED: 3ACM Ministries and local Bible Workers
A conflict that is developing into a civil war is going on inside Manipur, a state on the Northeast edge of India, east of Bangladesh, and bordering Myanmar.
Many people have been killed, homes burned, churches razed, and tens of thousands are displaced and homeless. Thousands need medical attention.
One of our Bible Workers belongs to a tribe at the center of the controversy. He was thinking of joining the military to help his people. But then he read the book “The Great Controversy,” which changed his heart and life. He has since focused on helping his people medically. He is also editing a translation of the Great Controversy in his own language.
To better serve the suffering, he has requested help in the following two areas:
Funding for medical supplies he can take to various villages and relief centers to help those in need.
An “ambulance,” a four-wheel-drive truck like the one shown below, to transport patients, supplies, medical volunteers, and copies of the Great Controversy once it goes into print.
This fund will help his ministry to his people through medicine and the Gospel.
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