Jungle Village Outreach
MINISTRY: Jungle Village Outreach
LOCATION: Mountain villages of Northwestern Thailand
TYPE OF MINISTRY: Missionaries
MISSIONARIES INVOLVED: Jason & Shoshana Sharon
Jason and Shoshana are a young couple who met and currently live in the mountain jungles of northwestern Thailand. Together, they have built housing in the jungle and provided Bible studies and medical training to locals through JEMMS, short for Jason’s Education Medical Missionary School.
They also often spend their time planting and harvesting rice, learning from local villagers to pay close attention to the different conditions and seasons. Even after Jason suffered an accident with a large rototiller in their village while lending a hand in the rice fields, the happy couple insists on helping as much as possible and going wherever they are called.
Throughout their experience, they have met and aided many people by sharing the Word with them, specifically by using audio Bibles. Jason and Shoshana chose to use solar-powered audio Bibles for people in these villages who may be unable to read and may not have access to electricity. Through this method, Jason and Shoshana have been spreading the Gospel throughout various villages while helping people however they can along the way. Today, they carry on with their mission work joyously, from village to village, wherever God may call them.
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