India Day SchOOls

India Day Schools have a great capacity to witness for Christ every day all day long. Help start new SDA schools in places with a great need for the Gospel.

In addition to our wonderful Evening Schools, we have been receiving requests for Day Schools in India. These are being established in places with little to no Adventist presence.

Some of these schools will double as churches where groups of believers will worship the Lord.

We have received a request to establish a school in the suburbs of Mumbai. A congregation there has been renting a hall for years but was recently kicked out of that space. They are now worshiping in a small apartment, which is not able to contain all the people that want to worship with them. In that area, a school is for sale that currently has 120 students. We would like to purchase that school to use as a church and keep the school running with Adventist teachers. The school is located in a very dense neighborhood with lots of children, so it is a perfect way to meet the people where they are while meeting a true “felt need” of the community.

Your support is truly vital to meet this opportunity.

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Missions for Asia

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