MINISTRY: Humanitarian
TYPE OF MINISTRY: Humanitarian
WHO IS BEING HELPED: The people of Asia
Jesus came to this earth not only to preach the truth, but He “mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me’ (Gospel Workers, page 363.2). God also outlined to Israel of old that this is the type of life and ministry He wants His people to exemplify. He promised that He would abundantly bless them if they followed His instructions. (See Isaiah 58:6-14.) In the same paragraph from the quote above from Gospel Workers, Ellen White stated that “Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people.”
In response to this model of ministry, Jesus for Asia provides humanitarian aid alongside other projects. Here are a couple of examples of how gifts to this fund have helped those in need:
Blankets for Bangladesh – We provided 400 blankets to villagers with only thin clothing and poorly walled homes. Though winter in Bangladesh is not as cold there as most of North America, it can still feel bitterly cold to them at night, especially when their primary source of warmth is outdoor fires.
COVID Relief – The poor suffered greatly during the COVID-19 lockdowns. They were losing hope for the future. Jesus for Asia volunteers and team members in Thailand, Cambodia, Bangladesh, the Philippines, and India stepped up to be hands and feet of Jesus in ministering to some of their basic yet most-essential daily needs and giving them hope.
We are very thankful for each of you who has supported us as we seek to follow God’s Isaiah 58 mission plan. Gifts to this fund will be used for disaster relief, blanket distribution, food distribution, and other humanitarian projects as needed.
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